Pool Openings
Pools openings, often the spark for a huge family argument are handled with ease by Competition Pool. From getting the cover off, power-washed, and folded to having the filter system running to its optimum performance to getting the chemistry right and the water clear, the Competition is here for you.
Its true, the yearly chore of opening a swimming pool can be a laborious, dirty, smelly, baffeling, aggravating thing to do. If you the consumer would prefer to leave it to some people who have got it down to a routine, look no further. Once the bulk of any rain water is removed from the cover, Our regular service starts with removal of some water and the cover from the pool. The cover is then powerwashed with a gas powered water blasting pressurewasher, (make sure your garden hoses are active.) While that’s going on the water level is adjusted as needed, winter plugs are removed, pumps are primed and filter systems are activated. Other things like Filters and Heaters are tested or diagnosed for functionality. Once the system is running at its best capacity, the water chemistry is adjusted and it gets its first dose of sanitizer s and clarifiers. Other acsesorries are then looked after, ladders, wall fittings, safety cover pop-ups, diving boards, fountains, timers, etcetera. By the time we’re done, the cover is folded neatly and placed in a logical spot for storage or the customers’ attention. Beyond that any further trouble shooting on the pool’s systems is normally handled on a later date. We also offer follow-up pool vacuuming service, which is billed hourly.
If our methods seem like they may be more streamlined than getting your family together to do it, make a call to the Competition, the pool service that prefers to see a swimmer enjoying their pool.
Pool Closings
Owning a pool is not the opposite of owning a boat. Both are a vessel that carries one in water. In the first case one is immersed in liquid, in the other one is carried across it. In either case, should you leave your precious investment unattended for any extended period of time, the water that it was designed to float you in could very well destroy it.
If you and your pool live in a warmer climate, this all is a bit of an overstatement. Here in New Jersey, we haul our boats out of our bays and harbors, drain the engines, and cover them from the onset of a cold freezing winter. At inland locations we blow out our sprinkler lines and our pool lines and follow other specific measures that serve to protect from the habit that water has of expanding and breaking things when it freezes into ice.
Some people really do forget the lesson that ice has the power to reduce entire mountains into sand. Competition Pools is here not only to bring back memories of old High School lessons, but also to provide the critical service of safeguarding your pool against the yearly onslaught of a cold and unyielding winter. All pools get covered and treated with the appropriate chemicals. An aboveground pools’ filter and pump is drained, disassembled and stored where the client prefers. Any inground pools’ underground pipes are blown out and plugged up along with any pumps, filters, or heaters. Any D.E. or cartridge filters are disassembled and sprayed clean as well. (You wouldn’t leave your dishwasher dirty for six months would you?) Also, the water level is adjusted and other recomendations can be made for maintaining that water level or for keeping an overabundance of water off of the pool cover.
So don’t wait until its too late. If the first freeze has already come its likely that the frost has not reached very far below ground. Some of us like to ‘do it yourself’, please, save that for the pool opening, we can help you, if needed, after you get started.